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Iowa Regional Hiring and Diversity Workshop, ACM-CIC Fellows Program
May 24, 2016 @ 9:00 am - May 25, 2016 @ 4:00 pm CDT

robbie routenberg at the 2015 ACM-CIC Hiring and Diversity Workshop
Diversifying the Professoriate: Pathways, Processes, and Practical Strategies for a Changing Academy
Co-sponsored by the ACM, Big Ten Academic Alliance, and The University of Iowa
One of two regional Hiring and Diversity Workshops in 2016 that will bring together colleagues from the ACM colleges and Big Ten Academic Alliance research universities to share recruitment, hiring, and retention best practices and to consider new ways of promoting inclusive campus culture among faculty, staff, and students.
This program is funded in part by the Undergraduate and Faculty Fellows Program for a Diverse Professoriate, a generous grant received from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
9:00 a.m. – Registration
9:45 a.m. – Welcome and Introductions
Moderator: Diane Finnerty, M.S., Assistant Provost for Faculty, Office of the Provost, University of Iowa
Georgina Dodge, Ph.D., Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President, University of Iowa
Brian Williams, J.D., Vice President and Director of Faculty Development and Grant Programs, ACM
10:00 a.m. – Keynote Address — Framing the Work: Transforming the Academy Through the Power of Cohorts, Mentors, and Cross-Institutional Collaboration
Presenter: Shirley Collado, Ph.D., Executive Vice Chancellor, Executive Vice Provost, and Associate Professor of Sociology, Rutgers University, and Co-Principal Investigator of the Creating Connections Consortium (C3)
Note: This presentation is open to the public and held at the E.W. Lehman Ballroom (2nd floor) in the hotelVetro, 201 S. Linn Street, Iowa City.
11:45 a.m. – Lunch
12:45 p.m. – Workshop 1: Unconscious and Implicit Bias in Faculty Search Processes

Maurice Stevens
Maurice Stevens, Ph.D., CIC PAI Training Team and Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Studies, The Ohio State University

Linda Mason
Linda Mason, Ph.D., CIC PAI Training Team and Professor, Department of Entomology and Associate Dean, Purdue University Graduate School
This interactive workshop uses video case studies to foster discussion between participants and awareness regarding the ways in which we can work to fine-tune our ability to recognize and respond to the influences of subtle biases. The goal of this session is to enhance our ability to identify instances of unconscious and implicit biases, and learn new methods of addressing them when they come up during hiring committee discussions and search processes.
Note: The materials shared during this session are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the CIC Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Transformation Grant #1309028, #1309173.
4:45 p.m. – Faculty Panel: Being Smart and Proactive: Some Hiring Best Practices
Sam Rebelsky, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, Grinnell College
Lakesia Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Chief Diversity Officer, Associate Professor of English and Chair, Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies, Grinnell College
Alfred P. Montero, Ph.D., Professor and Frank B. Kellogg Chair, Department of Political Science, Carleton College
TBD, University of Iowa
5:30 p.m. – Dinner (in assigned groups): Institutional Challenges and Sharing Best Practices
Participants will have the opportunity during this time to engage in small group discussion over dinner with representatives from other departments/colleges.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
7:45 a.m. – Breakfast
8:30 a.m. – Workshop 2: Creating Inclusive Environments and Retaining Diverse Faculty

Noor Ali
Location A: hotelVetro, Plaza 1 (please check your room assignment):
Noor Ali, M.S.W., Consultant at InciteChange! and Assistant Director of Social Justice Education, Northwestern University

robbie routenberg
robbie routenberg, M.A., Consultant at InciteChange! and Director of the Global Scholars Program, University of Michigan

Tanya Williams
Location B: hotelVetro, Plaza 2 (please check your room assignment):
Tanya Williams, Ed.D., Consultant at InciteChange! and Associate Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Community Engagement, Union Theological Seminary

Heather Wilhelm
Heather Wilhelm, M.A., Executive Director at InciteChange! and Instructor for the Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates Program, University of Michigan
This interactive workshop will focus on increasing participants’ understanding of the complex barriers that can affect how underrepresented individuals (faculty, staff, and students) experience campus life, departmental colleague dynamics, and administrative expectations. The goal of this session is to gain a greater understanding of the effects of implicit bias in maintaining policies and structures that have the potential to perpetuate an exclusionary campus culture and experiences of marginalization. This session will also offer an opportunity to explore concrete strategies for creating a culture of inclusivity in classroom, research, and broader campus settings so as to enhance the experience and retention of diverse community members.
12:30 p.m. – Lunch (in assigned groups): Next Steps for Moving Forward
Participants will have the opportunity during this time to reflect and brainstorm in small groups with representatives from their home campus.
1:45 p.m. – Large Group Debrief
Groups from lunch will share out what they have learned, strategies they hope to employ, and tangible next steps that they hope to take back with them.
2:30 p.m. – Conclusion and Evaluation

Maurice Stevens presented at the 2015 ACM-CIC Hiring and Diversity Workshop.
Noor Ali
Noor Ali, M.S.W., consultant for InciteChange!, also serves as the Assistant Director for Social Justice Education at Northwestern University and Adjunct Faculty at Harper College in Student Development. As Assistant Director for Social Justice Education, Ali oversees the Peer Inclusion Educators program (PIE), a peer-to-peer social justice program for students. She also co-manages the Step Up Bystander Intervention Program, as well as serving as a liaison to many departments and organizations on campus as a social justice facilitator and mentor. Ali is also a self-proclaimed researcher and is especially interested in Arab-Jewish dialogue and its impact on student experiences. She has published four articles and has done a number of national presentations on the topic. Ali holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Loyola University in Chicago and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work.
Shirley M. Collado
Shirley M. Collado, Ph.D., is the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer and an Associate Professor of Sociology (with an affiliation in the Department of Psychology) at Rutgers University-Newark. Dr. Collado completed her undergraduate degree in Human & Organizational Development and Psychology at Vanderbilt University, followed by M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Clinical Psychology from Duke University. Dr. Collado is a clinical psychologist with a specialty in trauma among multicultural populations. Dr. Collado led The Posse Foundation on a national level as Executive Vice President while also teaching at New York University and The New School. Prior to her appointment at Rutgers-Newark, Dr. Collado served as Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of the College at Middlebury. Dr. Collado is the visionary and Co-principal Investigator of the Creating Connections Consortium (C3), a Mellon-funded initiative that seeks to transform higher education in part by increasing the representation of students of color and first-generation college students on the pathway to the professoriate.
Linda Mason
Linda Mason, Ph.D., member of the CIC Professorial Advancement Initiative (PAI) training team from Purdue University, is the Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Entomology at Purdue. Dr. Mason holds degrees from University of Florida, Auburn University, and Louisiana State University. In 1991, she joined the faculty of Purdue University in the Department of Entomology of a professor of insect behavior and ecology and in 2011 she became an Associate Dean in the Purdue University Graduate School. Dr. Mason currently directs the Food Pest Management program in the Post Harvest Education and Research Center, where her research focuses on the management and behavioral ecology of food pests affecting the grain trade and food production industry worldwide. Dr. Mason’s program has built a reputation for researching new technologies and working with industry to adopt alternative pest management strategies. In the Graduate School, Dr. Mason oversees the Fellowship Office, departmental graduate program reviews, graduate students and post-docs professional development, award nominations, and responsible conduct of research education. Her latest endeavor is combining the techniques of improve theater with the art of science communication to help students becoming more engaging researchers.
robbie routenberg

robbie routenberg
robbie routenberg, lead consultant at InciteChange!, also serves as faculty at the University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus. Through InciteChange!, they have supported the work of faculty and senior level administrators, most notably partnering with the Fordham University School of Social Service to provide their faculty a professional development series entitled “Using multipartial techniques to create inclusive classroom climates,” delivered workshops on “Integrating a social justice framework into any student affairs role” for the American College Personnel’s national convention, and coordinated a multi-prong organizational climate assessment/development plan to increase the recruitment/retention of a diverse workforce at The Bronx Defenders, a law firm in New York with over 250 employees. As consultants, presenters, and scholars in the field of social justice education, InciteChange! trainers have supported campuses across the country in building inclusive structures that highlight the critical role a diverse body of faculty and practitioners play in the construction of a strong campus ethos.
Maurice Stevens
Maurice Stevens, member of the CIC Professorial Advancement Initiative (PAI) Training Team from The Ohio State University and Senior Faculty Research Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, received his Ph.D. and M.A. from the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California-Santa Cruz. He is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative Studies at OSU and an adjunct faculty member at the Pacifica Graduate Institute in the department of Depth Psychology’s Community, Liberation, and Eco-Psychology Program. Stevens’ research interests include the formation and representation of identity in and through visual culture and political performance, critical trauma theory and theories of affect and embodiment. His first book is titled Troubling Beginnings: Trans(per)forming African-American History and Identity, and he is currently working on a second book called Catastrophe’s Glow: A Critical Trauma Theory for Chaotic Times.
Heather Wilhelm

Heather Wilhelm
Heather Wilhelm, M.A., is Executive Director at InciteChange! and instructor for the Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates Program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Prior to this appointment, Wilhelm served as the University’s Coordinator for the Co-Curricular Service-Learning Programs. In all venues, Wilhelm works to apply the principles of equity and inclusion in her work. Wilhem’s professional expertise centers on service-learning curriculum development, intersections of social justice and learning theory, workshop design and facilitation, cross-cultural communication, and in training students to be social justice peer-educators. These foci have granted Wilhelm opportunities to present in a multitude of arenas including ACPA conventions, the Michigan College Personnel Association’s Diversity Summit, and the Connecticut Community Engagement Conference. Her current research interest centers on the relationship between integrative learning and intercultural maturity models.
Tanya Williams
Tanya Williams, Ed.D., consultant for InciteChange! and founder of Authentic Coaching & Consulting, currently also serves as the Associate Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Community Engagement at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. Dr. Williams holds a doctorate in Social Justice Education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and an M.S. in Educational Administration and a B.A. in Journalism and English from Texas A&M University. Dr. Williams’ dissertation – A Process of Becoming: U.S. Born African American and Black Women in a Process of Liberation from Internalized Racism – focused on internalized oppression and liberation. Dr. Williams has had over 20 years of diversity, inclusion, and social justice teaching, programming, and facilitation experience in higher education including professional roles at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Southwestern University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Mount Holyoke College, and Union Theological Seminary. She has taught courses on Social Diversity in Education, Exploring Differences and Common Ground through Intergroup Dialogue, and the Psychology of Racism.
Carleton College
- Melissa Eblen-Zayas, Associate Professor & Chair of Physics and Astronomy
- Nathan Grawe, Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Social Sciences & Chair of Economics
- Al Montero, Frank B. Kellogg Professor & Chair of Political Science
Coe College
- Lisa Barnett, Associate Professor & Chair of Sociology
- Kris Bridges, Director of Human Resources
- Sara Farrell, Associate Professor & Chair of Psychology
- Nancy Hayes, Associate Professor of Education
- Michael Leonardo, Associate Professor & Chair of Biology
- Elaine Rydze, Assistant Professor of Physical Education
Cornell College
- Hemie Collier, Assistant Director of Intercultural Life
- John Gruber-Miller, Professor of Classical and Modern Languages
- Kristin Meyer, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
- Schvalla Rivera, Assistant Dean of Students & Director of Intercultural Life and Student Affairs
- Aparna Thomas, Associate Professor of Politics and Women’s Studies
- Anissa Wolfe, Assistant Dean of the College
Grinnell College
- Karla Erickson, Associate Dean
- Mary Greiner, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
- Lakesia Johnson, Associate Dean & Chief Diversity Officer
- Stacy Koehler, Associate Director of Human Resources
- Albert Lacson, Associate Professor of History
Knox College
- Mary Armon, Associate Professor of Mathematics
- Sara Stasik-O’Brien, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Monmouth College
- Marsha Dopheide, Associate Professor of Psychology
- Ian Moschenross, Associate Professor of Music
- Blake Nielsen, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Dan Ott, Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies
- Keith Schaefer, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
St. Olaf College
- Brian Borovsky, Associate Professor & Chair of Physics
- Dana Gross, Associate Dean for IGS and Professor of Psychology
- Bruce King, Assistant to the President and Chief Diversity Officer
- Justin Merritt, Associate Professor and Chair of Music
- Jamie Schillinger, Assistant Professor of Religion
- Carolyn Fell, Program Associate, Faculty Development & Grant Programs
- Lilly Lavner, Coordinator & Campus Liaison, Undergraduate Fellows Program
- Brian Williams, Vice President & Director, Faculty Development & Grant Programs
This program is funded in part by the Undergraduate and Faculty Fellows Program for a Diverse Professoriate, a generous grant received from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
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