ICF Online Resource Site

Visit the ICF Online resource site to extend your learning and engagement with the concepts and materials in the ICF Online course!

“Love the [college budget scenarios] spreadsheet and the explanation. These scenarios do a great job providing insights into limitations or approaches that might first come to mind as solutions, when in fact such changes represent a small part of the pie.” 

ICF Online participant

The free site hosts a supplementary set of ICF Online materials and tools, designed in the online platform Canvas.

The materials include:

  • Videos from the expert presentations given at the in-person Institute on College Futures seminars
  • Articles, references, and PowerPoints
  • An interactive Excel document to explore alternative budgeting scenarios
  • An online discussion space to engage in conversation about topics and issues raised in the ICF seminars and ICF Online

To access these resources:

Go to the ICF Online resource site to create a free account in Canvas, or if you already have an account in Canvas, just sign in. Then click on Go to the Course to access the ICF Online supplementary resource modules.

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