This website, which remains linked to Dr. Ochoa-Shivapour’s partner site, is designed to serve as a sustainable program resource that will foreground issues related to immigration and migration in all of my courses. A continual work in progress, it will eventually contain resources and assignments appropriate for use in a variety of different kinds of courses, ranging from the beginning to the advanced level in French and also for courses taught in English.
Assignments uploaded to the site will follow a standard template that includes the following categories of information:
- Context for Use
- Summary and Description (including Teaching Materials)
- Assessment
- Learning Outcomes
- Additional Resources
Sample student projects will be provided for each assignment. This website is designed to open up possibilities for cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration on class projects related to the phenomena of immigration and migration in the Francophone world.
Note: Adapted from original curricular project
Resources developed for this website will prepare students to:
- Better understand the history, causes, contexts and impacts of immigration and migration in the Francophone world
- Respond in an informed way to the global refugee crisis and intercultural conflicts resulting from immigration & migration in the Francophone world
Assignments included on this website will lead to the development of student proficiencies in the following areas:
- Writing for a general public, both in French and English
- Critical reading and contextual analysis of cultural artifacts such as music, literature and film
- Analysis of media representations of immigration and migration in Francophone world
Use of digital technologies and media such as:
- WordPress (blog)
- Story maps
- Neatline (storytelling with timelines and maps)
- Podcasts and videos (interviews and public service announcements)
- Academic poster presentations
Resources & Materials
Dr. Devan Baty
An interdisciplinary resource site for the study of immigration, emigration, and migration in France and the Francophone World.
- What are the causes, impacts, and consequences of immigration and migration in the Francophone world?
- What are the historical, cultural and geographical contexts that impact immigration and migration in the Francophone world?
- What up-to-date and quality resources are available for educators and students?
Dr. Marcela Ochoa-Shivapour
The main goal of this course is to make connections between the Latino experience and other immigrants and refugees from other parts of the world through specific case studies provided in this site, and using authentic materials such as videos, news, songs, literature, statistics, graphs, pictures, maps, personal and collective stories.
- A Teacher’s Guide: Includes an outline to the course, grading rubrics, vocabulary, activities, games, and helpful resources for instruction.
- Resources: Lists several news, media, environmental, law, and cultural sources which may be helpful for both teachers and students
- A Case Study: Documents the faculty’s experience in Jordan
- Student Projects: Includes examples of student research projects (2016) done on global immigration studies
- Latinos in the U.S.: Outlines works from previous courses from 2004 and 2013, providing a list of investigative resources regarding the experiences of Latinos in America