Home » Olivia Humphreys

Olivia Humphreys

Olivia Humphreys February 2, 2022

Finalist in the 2020 Nick Adams Short Story Contest

Read the story:  In the Bed Where I Died

Olivia HumphreysMore about Olivia Humphreys

  • Junior at Colorado College
  • Major: English on Creative Writing Track
  • Hometown: Summit, New Jersey

ACM: What sparked your interest in writing, and how did you get started writing fiction?

Humphries: I have always been a big reader, and my family always encouraged it. No matter what, I always had books. Eventually I tried my hand, but never took it too seriously until I took a creative writing class my sophomore year of highschool. Ever since then, I have found a passion in writing fiction.

ACM: How have you developed your writing while you’ve been at Colorado College?

Humphries: At Colorado College, I have studied under some amazing professors in creative writing, as well as alongside extremely talented students. I am also the prose editor at Colorado College’s literary magazine, which gives me the opportunity to read and be inspired all the time.

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