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ACM Human Resource Directors Meeting

ACM Office, Chicago, IL ACM Office, Chicago, IL, United States

This annual meeting will bring together ACM Human Resource Directors from the ACM campuses. For more inforamtion, contact Betsy Hutula, ACM Assistant to the President and Administrator for Projects and Personnel. 

ACM SAIL Seminar on Silicon Valley as an Innovation Ecosystem

Silicon Valley, California Silicon Valley, California, United States

Silicon Valley as Innovation Ecosystem will be the topic of the 2016 SAIL seminar, with an on-site portion in California's Silicon Valley on July 11-20. The ACM Seminars in Advanced Interdisciplinary Learning (SAIL) program sponsors a series of annual learning communities built around integrative place-based learning, which enable faculty from ACM colleges to explore a […]

ACM Financial Aid Officers Meeting

ACM Office, Chicago, IL ACM Office, Chicago, IL, United States

The 2016 annual meeting of Financial Aid Officers from ACM colleges will be held at the ACM office in Chicago. For information, contact ACM Assistant to the President and Administrator for Projects and Personnel Betsy Hutula (312.561.5930). Meeting schedule Monday, July 25Noon – Lunch1:00-5:00 p.m. – MeetingGroup dinner in the evening Tuesday, July 268:30 a.m. – Breakfast9:00 a.m.-Noon – Meeting

ACM Community Based Learning Meeting

ACM Office, Chicago, IL ACM Office, Chicago, IL, United States

The ACM Community Based Learning campus leaders will at the ACM office on Wednesday, July 27, 2016. For more information, contact Carolyn Fell, ACM Program Associate. 

ACM Alumni Relations, Annual Fund, and Career Services meeting

Ripon College, Ripon, WI Ripon College, Ripon, WI, United States

This meeting will bring together colleagues from alumni relations, annual fund, and career services to discuss issues of common interest. The meeting will also allow time for the individual groups to meet separately. For more information, contact Amy Gerretsen, Ripon College Director of Constituent Engagement & Career Services. 

Deadline to appy: Faculty Site Visit to the ACM India programs

Call for Applications: Faculty Site Visit to the ACM India programs October 15-20, 2016 in Pune, India Five faculty from ACM colleges will be selected to travel on October 15-20 to the ACM program site in Pune, India to observe the program activities and meet with program faculty and staff members and students. See the […]

Illinois Regional Hiring and Diversity Workshop, Fellows Program

Big Ten Conference Center, Chicago, IL Big Ten Conference Center, Chicago, IL, United States

One of two regional Hiring and Diversity Workshops in 2016 that will bring together colleagues from the ACM colleges and Big Ten Academic Alliance research universities to share recruitment, hiring, and retention best practices and to consider new ways of promoting inclusive campus culture among faculty, staff, and students. The workshops are sponsored by the […]

Annual Summit: Graduate School Exploration Fellowship

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL, United States

This will be the first annual Summit gathering together students at ACM colleges who have received Graduate School Exploration Fellowships (GSEF) through the Undergraduate and Faculty Fellows Program for a Diverse Professoriate. The Fellows Program is a collaboration between the ACM and the Big Ten Academic Alliance, with support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Details […]

Deadline to apply: Visiting Faculty Director in Amsterdam

Faculty at ACM colleges are encouraged to apply to be the first visiting faculty director of the new ACM off-campus study program in Amsterdam in fall 2017. The position includes teaching at Vrije Universiteit (VU Amsterdam) and supervising students’ projects. See the position announcement for details Deadline to apply: August 31, 2016 Read more about […]

Luce LIASE Conference: Planning Meeting

ACM Office, Chicago, IL ACM Office, Chicago, IL, United States

The Steering Committee for the LIASE Conference, hosted by the Luce Foundation and the ACM, will meet to plan and prepare for the 2017 LIASE Fall Conference.   Please note: This meeting is for invited participants only. Please do not register unless you have recevied the e-mail directly from the ACM.

ACM Soccer Showcase

Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL, United States

The Soccer Showcase happens every other year on an ACM campus. This year, Lake Forest College will host teams from the consortium. For more information, contact Betsy Hutula, ACM Assistant to the President and Administrator for Projects and Personnel. 

ACM Off-Campus Study Directors Meeting

ACM Office, Chicago, IL ACM Office, Chicago, IL, United States

Annual meeting of the off-campus study staff from the ACM colleges. For more information, contact ACM Off-Campus Study Program Coordinator Marlee Stein.

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