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ACM Meeting on Digital Competencies

Macalester College, St. Paul, MN Macalester College, St. Paul, MN, United States

Join librarians, information technologists, and faculty from across the ACM to discuss digital competencies, digital literacies, and future technology skills for students, staff, and faculty. The goal of this meeting […]

ACM Financial Aid Directors meeting

Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Annual meeting of ACM college financial aid directors and staff. For more information, contact Shannon Amundson, Director of Financial Aid, Colorado College (719.389.6651). Learn more about collaboration among ACM college […]

ACM Admissions Systems and Operations meeting

Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA, United States

Meeting of admission staff from ACM colleges for discussion and sharing best practices related to admission processes, systems, and operations. For more information, contact Sharon Grice, Director of Admission Operations, […]

ACM Alumni Relations, Annual Giving, and Career Development Conference

Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA and Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA and Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA, United States

Coe College and Cornell College will co-host the 2018 ACM Alumni Relations, Annual Giving, and Career Development Conference. The conference will be held in Cedar Rapids, IA on Thursday, August 9 and in Mt. Vernon, IA on Friday, August 10. For more information, contact RJ Holmes-Leopold, Senior Director of Alumni Engagement and Leadership Annual Giving, Cornell College. […]

Fellows Program Annual Summit

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL, United States

The third Fellows Program Annual Summit in Chicago will bring together Mellon Faculty Fellows, undergraduates who have received Graduate School Exploration Fellowships (GSEF), and other institutional representatives. 2018 Annual Summit agenda This event is sponsored by the Undergraduate and Faculty Fellows Program for a Diverse Professoriate. For information, contact Lilly Lavner, ACM Liaison for the Fellows Program to Diversify […]

Annual Summit Faculty Fellows Meeting and Writing Retreat

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL, United States

The Undergraduate and Faculty Fellows Program for a Diverse Professoriate is a collaboration between the ACM and the Big Ten Academic Alliance, with support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Please contact Lilly […]

Costa Rica Program fall semester begins

San José, Costa Rica San José, Costa Rica, United States

Students arrive in San Jose to begin the fall semester Costa Rica: Community Engagement in Public Health, Education, & the Environment program.

Newberry Seminar fall semester begins

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL, United States

Students arrive in Chicago to begin the fall semester Newberry Seminar: Research in the Humanities.

Tanzania Program fall semester begins

Arusha, Tanzania Arusha, Tanzania, United States

Students arrive in northern Tanzania to begin the fall semester Tanzania: Ecology & Human Origins program.

Chicago Program fall semester begins

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL, United States

Students arrive to begin the fall semester Chicago Program: Arts, Entrepreneurship, & Social Justice.

Florence Program fall semester begins

Florence, Italy Florence, Italy, United States

Students arrive in Italy to begin the fall semester Florence: Arts, Humanities, & Culture program.

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