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FaCE Awards Support Faculty Presentations at Conferences Around the Globe

FaCE Awards Support Faculty Presentations at Conferences Around the Globe August 23, 2011

Faculty from three ACM colleges will travel to Colorado, Canada, and South Africa courtesy of FaCE Presentation Grants, a special category of grants designed to support faculty in disseminating the results of activities funded by the ACM-Mellon Faculty Career Enhancement (FaCE) Project.

Final Round of FaCE Presentation Grants

Deadline to apply:

October 1

The grants will fund travel and other expenses for the faculty to present on their FaCE projects at professional meetings and conferences. Not only can faculty share their accomplishments, activities, and lessons learned, but they can also emphasize the collaborative nature of their projects and the broader impact of their work on their departments and institutions.

Through the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the FaCE Project has funded more than 50 collaborative faculty events and research projects since 2008, with the goal of fostering and enhancing consortial collaboration throughout ACM and the higher education sector. The Presentation Grant category was developed as a way to more widely disseminate the important outcomes and impact of these projects. Since December 2010, ACM has awarded over $28,000 in Presentation Grants.

“Over the years, the FaCE Project has fostered so many innovative and exciting collaborations among ACM faculty,” said John Ottenhoff, ACM Vice President. “We’re happy that the Presentation Grants provide those faculty with a means to communicate their work to broader audiences within higher education.”

To bring greater visibility to the results of FaCE-funded faculty research and events, ACM has partnered with the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College to create an ACM-FaCE website.

Previous recipients of FaCE Phase II grants will have one more opportunity to apply for a Presentation Grant. The grants will support registration, travel, lodging, and meals directly related to presenting at a meeting or conference. Details are on the FaCE webpage. The deadline to apply is October 1, 2011.

The most recent Presentation Grant awards will help make visible the work of two FaCE Projects through multiple presentations.

Finding Our Way: Strategies for Internationalizing Undergraduate Psychology

  • Presenter: Kenneth Abrams (Psychology, Carleton College)
    Conference: International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology; Stellenbosch, South Africa; July 2012
  • Presenter: Dana Gross (Psychology, St. Olaf College)
    Conference: International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development; Edmonton, Canada; July 2012

Capturing Institutional Perspectives to Assess Study Abroad

  • Presenters: Betsy Brewer and Russell Cannon (Office of International Education, Beloit College)
    Conference: Forum on Education Abroad; Denver, CO; March 2012
  • Presenters: Helena Kaufman and Andrea Nixon (Study Abroad, Carleton College)
    Conference: Forum on Education Abroad; Denver, CO; March 2012



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