After leading a group of 16 students in Tanzania for a semester – including living for six weeks in tents conducting field projects – Monmouth College biology professor James Godde wrote:
As I gripped tightly to this complete stranger while riding on the back of his motorcycle through the dirt roads which wound through the village of Changanikeni, I thought of something the students and I had discussed concerning our imminent return to the United States. We realized that we would be asked “So, how was Africa?” again and again, mostly by people who were actually looking for no more than a one sentence answer. How could we even begin to cram all of our many experiences into some pat answer? We had thought about it and had actually come up with an appropriate sentence to use on the people who asked us that anticipated question. We would simply reply, “It makes for a good story…”
James Godde in Tanzania.
As this excerpt from his blog shows, Godde returned from his semester as Director of the ACM Tanzania: Ecology & Human Origins program with a suitcase (or perhaps backpack) full of good stories, just as his students did. With ACM’s wide-ranging curricula and sites around the world, faculty from all disciplines can teach off-campus – and bring back their own stories.
Visiting positions on ACM off-campus study programs provide professional development opportunities and support such as:
- Orientation at the ACM office and participation in a meeting of ACM off-campus program directors and visiting faculty;
- Teaching courses that use the program’s location to teach in ways not possible on campus and that address the program’s overall mission and learning goals;
- Overseeing independent study projects by students that are interdisciplinary and that take advantage of unique resources available at the program site;
- Working with on-site ACM staff and partners at local universities, and making professional contacts;
- Living in the program location and traveling locally to lead field trips; and
- Carrying out responsibilities in student advising and orientation.
Positions available for 2013-14
ACM currently is seeking applicants from ACM colleges for the following visiting positions on consortial programs during the 2013-14 academic year.
Except as noted, the application deadline is March 31, 2012.
- Botswana: University Immersion in Southern Africa – Visiting Faculty/Program Director, Spring 2014
- Florence: Arts, Humanities, & Culture – Affiliated Scholar, Fall 2013
- India: Culture, Traditions, & Globalization – Faculty Coordinator, Fall 2013 (appointment for July/August 2013)
- London & Florence: Arts in Context – Affiliated Scholar in Florence, Spring 2014
- London & Florence: Arts in Context – Visiting Faculty/Director in London, Spring 2014
- Newberry Seminar in the Humanities in Chicago – Two Faculty Fellows, Fall 2013 (apply by March 1)
- Tanzania: Ecology & Human Origins – Visiting Faculty/Program Director, Fall 2013
Faculty at ACM colleges also are eligible to apply for:
- Japan Study – Resident Director, 2013-14 (apply by April 30). Japan Study is managed by Earlham College.
- Oak Ridge Science Semester (ORSS) – Resident Directors for Fall 2012 and for Fall 2013 (apply ASAP for Fall 2012; apply by early fall for Fall 2013). ORSS is managed by Denison University.
Detailed announcements for all of the positions listed above are available on the ACM website at