ACM Consortial Groups
For more than 65 years, ACM has leveraged the power of collaboration, peer learning, knowledge sharing, and community building across its member campuses to support faculty, staff, and students. The primary way that ACM provides this support is by facilitating the organization of consortial groups.
What is a consortial group?
Suppose you want to try out a new idea in student success, find out whether another campus has had a positive experience with a potential vendor, or just connect with your counterpart at another residential liberal arts campus. A consortial group allows you to connect with peers at other member institutions to discuss strategies and share experiences. The ACM also supports many of these groups with confidential, cooperative data sharing across key areas of practice such as admissions, finances, and human resources. Campus partners help identify emerging topics and shared challenges where a multi-campus perspective will add value. ACM is here to help make these connections happen.
How can we help?
ACM coordinates the activities of 20+ consortial groups. Most groups meet monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, annually, or as-needed. In addition, ACM maintains more than 50 email listservs to promote real-time networking and information sharing among campus roles and functions. Faculty and staff at member campuses can join one or more of these consortial groups by contacting [email protected] (note, listserv membership is limited based on role/function).
Please see this page for a list of ACM consortial groups/listservs and information on how to use an ACM listserv.
See the ACM calendar for upcoming meetings.
Campus needs evolve over time. To respond to those needs, ACM periodically reviews the activities of consortial groups to ensure that organizational resources are being used appropriately. To this end, ACM suspends dormant groups and creates new ones. We always welcome suggestions for new consortial groups.
Roles and Responsibilities
ACM provides support to consortial groups by facilitating listservs and by managing group meetings, whether virtual or online.
Activity | Purpose | ACM Responsibilities | Consortial Group Responsibilities |
ACM Consortial Group Listservs |
Consortial Group Meetings: Virtual |
Consortial Group Meetings: In-Person |
Special Events and Professional Development
In addition to supporting regular interactions through listservs and virtual and in-person meetings, ACM staff recognize that sometimes the best way to meet our members’ needs is to do something different. Maybe it’s an ad-hoc gathering, a book group, or a professional development opportunity.
As part of our mission, ACM strives to secure external grants to support these activities. Current grant opportunities are available on the ACM website.
When an idea does not lend itself to funding opportunities, faculty and staff from member campuses may submit a written proposal (approximately 500 words) and budget for a proposed ACM-sponsored activity or event. The proposal should provide a rationale for the proposed work and envisioned outcomes/benefits to member campuses.
All proposals should align with the goals stated in the ACM strategic plan and include the names of at least four individuals from three ACM member campuses to serve on a potential Steering Committee. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use ACM listservs to explore interest across campuses and to discuss possible ideas with ACM staff before submitting a proposal to [email protected].
In striving to be good stewards of our finite time and resources, ACM leadership will review the proposals quarterly and, if needed, secure approval from the Advisory Board of Deans and the Board of Directors to launch a new or pilot initiative.