Home » Faculty from Beloit, Luther, and Monmouth Named to Visiting Positions on ACM Off-Campus Programs

Faculty from Beloit, Luther, and Monmouth Named to Visiting Positions on ACM Off-Campus Programs

Faculty from Beloit, Luther, and Monmouth Named to Visiting Positions on ACM Off-Campus Programs July 12, 2011

Three faculty members from ACM colleges have been appointed to visiting faculty positions on off-campus study programs during the 2012-13 academic year.

Professor Farhat Haq of Monmouth College will be the Faculty Coordinator for ACM’s program in Pune, India, during orientation at the beginning of the fall 2012 semester. Professors Sonja Darlington (Beloit College) and Mark Muggli (Luther College) will serve as Faculty Directors in spring 2013 for programs in Botswana and London, respectively.

In making the announcement, ACM Director of International Study Programs Carol Dickerman underscored the depth of experience that the professors will bring to the ACM programs. “Each of our visiting faculty has decades of experience in the classroom, wide-ranging interests in their research and teaching, and a strong commitment to off-campus study,” she said.

Sonja DarlingtonSonja Darlington

Beloit College

Education professor Sonja Darlington has taught courses at Beloit College ranging from alternative education and secondary education to African literature and education to comparative and international education.

“Over the past decade, she has conducted research, published, and presented internationally on topics such as African literature, the arts, and education,” Dickerman noted. “Professor Darlington served as the Director of ACM’s Nation Building in Africa program in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in spring 2004, and has taught in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, so she has a strong background in leading off-campus study programs, too.”

As Faculty Program Director of the ACM Botswana: University Immersion in Southern Africa program, Darlington plans to teach an interdisciplinary course in “Youth Culture and Education in Botswana” that will investigate the connections among education, economic development, politics, nationalism, and globalism in various African regions and countries. She also will oversee the students’ independent study projects.

Farhat HaqFarhat Haq

Monmouth College

Chair of the Political Science Department and Coordinator of the International Studies major at Monmouth College, Farhat Haq has extensive research and teaching experience in South Asia. A long time faculty advisor for the ACM India: Culture, Traditions, & Globalization program, she knows the program well and understands the challenges for students in adjusting to life in Pune.

“Professor Haq will be a welcoming and supportive presence to students when they first arrive on site and also will work effectively with Program Director Sucheta Paranjpe and the other on-site faculty and staff,” said Dickerman. “Her work in mentoring student research at Monmouth will be an invaluable contribution to the India Program as she works with students to identify topics and plan their independent study projects.”

Mark MuggliMark Muggli

Luther College

Mark Muggli has a wonderful enthusiasm for immersing students in London and all that the program there offers,” according to Dickerman. “He brings to his teaching not only his scholarly background in English Renaissance drama, but also experience with theatre performance, as a dramaturg, actor, and director.”

As Visiting Faculty Director of the London portion of the London & Florence: Arts in Context program, Muggli plans to teach a course on “Embodying Spaces: Contemporary English Theatre in its Historical, Architectural, Geographic, Cultural, and Moral Settings.”

A member of the Luther College English department, Muggli has taught several study-abroad courses, including a January term theatre course in London and Stratford, England; a reading/walking course in the Lake District and Bath, England; and a course focused on ancient sites and theatre performance in Greece. He has also co-directed Luther’s yearlong Nottingham, England, program.


Bio for Prof. Sonja Darlington, Faculty Program Director in Botswana, Spring 2013

Bio for Prof. Mark Muggli, Visiting Faculty Director in London, Spring 2013

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