When he was in college, Chris Vaughn studied and conducted research on the ACM Costa Rica program. Now, as the program’s director, he will help current students immerse themselves in Costa Rica.
Dr. Vaughan, who will become the ACM Costa Rica Program Director on July 1, 2009, has maintained close ties with the program and ACM students over the years. A long-time faculty member at the University Nacional in Costa Rica, Chris also served as an advisor for students on the ACM Costa Rica: Field Research program and taught some classes for ACM.
He is a graduate of Grinnell College and received his doctorate in Land Resources from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During the past several years Chris has been an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology in Madison, as well as a research associate at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
As the ACM community welcomes Chris, we also thank Scott Pentzer for his outstanding service as Program Director. The Costa Rica programs have benefited greatly from the commitment and continuity Scott has brought to the position during the past five years.
The ACM Costa Rica Programs include Latin American Culture & Society (fall semester) and Field Research (spring semester).