Audrey Niffenegger, the Chicago visual artist and best-selling author, recently sold her new novel for nearly $5 million. This spring she will read stories by ACM college students and choose a winner for the ACM Nick Adams Short Story Contest.
According to The New York Times, Ms. Niffenegger has made a deal in which Scribner, a unit of Simon & Schuster, will publish her new novel, Her Fearful Symmetry. A film version of her first novel, the best-seller The Time Traveler’s Wife, is scheduled for release in February.
In the midst of it all, Ms. Niffenegger has agreed help nurture young writers by serving as the final judge for ACM’s Nick Adams Short Story Contest for students at ACM colleges. Held annually since 1973, the contest offers a $1,000 prize provided by an anonymous donor for the winning story.
Ms. Niffenegger joins an illustrious group of authors who have served as Nick Adams Contest judges over the years, including Saul Bellow, Anne Tyler, John Updike, Maya Angelou, Joyce Carol Oates, Stuart Dybek, and many others.
Read more about Audrey Niffenegger on the Nick Adams webpage.