Workshops and Conferences
The first phase of the Faculty Career Enhancement (FaCE) Program sponsored 15 workshops and conferences that drew a total of 390 participants. In addition, FaCE provided funds for faculty from ACM colleges to participate in several other conferences.
Events sponsored by FaCE in 2004-2008:
- Teaching Art History on April 25-27, 2008 at St. Olaf College and Carleton College.
- Teaching the City on April 11-12, 2008 at Lawrence University.
- Teaching Ethics and Health on April 4-5, 2008 at Ripon College. This workshop was in conjunction with the Ripon College Ethics and Health Care Conference.
- Preparing Students for Responsible Citizenship on April 4-5, 2008 at Beloit College. This workshop was in conjunction with Beloit College’s conference on “Humanitarian Relief in the Wake of Manmade and Natural Disasters.”
- Conference on Racial and Ethnic Diversity on September 28-30, 2007 at Colorado College.
- Teaching History Surveys on April 13-14, 2007 at Monmouth College.
- ACM Department Chairs: Mentoring and Evaluating Early Career Faculty Members on March 23-25, 2007 at Grinnell College.
- Women’s and Gender Studies: Vital to the Mission and Key to Survival on October 27-28, 2006 at Beloit College.
- Wearing Many Hats: The Department Chair at Liberal Arts Colleges on October 20-22, 2006 at Macalester College.
- Biological Anthropology and Liberal Arts Colleges on September 22-24, 2006 at Lawrence University.
- Charting a Meaningful Scholarly Career on June 5-6, 2006 at St. Olaf College. This workshop was similar to the workshop in January 2006, but designed for new tenure-track faculty.
- Women in Science Networking Seminar on March 3-5, 2006 at Coe College. Women faculty in the natural sciences and mathematics at ACM colleges met to share information about programs designed to support female faculty and students in those fields, as well as to create a network across the consortium.
- Charting a Meaningful Scholarly Career on January 20-21, 2006 at Beloit College. The workshop was led by Jeanne Narum (Director, Independent Colleges Office/Project Kaleidoscope) and was designed for tenured faculty to consider research paths and opportunities.
- Education and the Liberal Arts on December 8-10, 2005 in Chicago. Hosted by the ACM Urban Education Program, this workshop was designed for ACM faculty who are interested in learning about curricular initiatives in education programs that encourage students to become more broadly interested in education and to pursue work with youth or in education policy.
- Training the Trainers on June 2-3, 2005 at Macalester College. The workshop was for faculty and administrators who provide orientation and mentoring programs for new faculty.
FaCE provided funding for faculty to participate:
- Literatures in English on June 7-9, 2007 at St. Olaf College. FaCE also provided partial funding for this conference, which was sponsored by St. Olaf.
- Innovations in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Liberal Arts Colleges on February 16-18, 2007 at St. Olaf College and Carleton College.
- Teaching Peace, Justice and Human Rights on January 26-28, 2007 at Beloit College.
Grant Proposals Funded
Faculty Career Enhancement (FaCE) Program
Links to lists of faculty projects that received grants during second phase of FaCE, organzied by funding cycle. For more extensive information and materials on individual projects supported by FaCE in 2008-2013, visit the ACM/FaCE Program website hosted by SERC.
2012 Cycle
Three grants were awarded in Spring and Summer 2012.
Fall 2011 Cycle
Three grants were awarded in Fall 2011.
Spring 2011 cycle
Eight proposals were funded in the Spring 2011 cycle.
Fall 2010 cycle
Eight proposals were funded in the Fall 2010 cycle.
Spring 2010 cycle
Seven proposals were funded in the Spring 2010 cycle.
Fall 2009 cycle
Ten proposals were funded in the Fall 2009 cycle.
Spring 2009 cycle
Four proposals were funded in the Spring 2009 cycle
Fall 2008 cycle
Four proposals were funded in the Fall 2008 cycle.
Spring 2008 cycle
Eight proposals were funded in the Spring 2008 cycle.