Abstract Cognitive science research suggests students encounter difficulty using skills developed within a discipline to address problems in a differe...
Using Cognitive Science to Bridge the Gaps Between Disciplines
Abstract In theory, liberal arts students embody interdisciplinarity: poets by morning and biologists by night, they study plasma in spacecraft propul...
Using Cognitive Science to Inform First Year Seminar Pedagogy
This project is designed to improve Coe’s First Year Seminar (FYS) program by creating a team-taught interdisciplinary section of FYS based in c...
Faculty Working Groups to Implement Cognitive Science’s Insights in the Classroom
Abstract This grant will support two major workshops and monthly follow-up meetings for an interdisciplinary team of Lake Forest College faculty. This...
Symposium on Field Study
Symposium on Field Study: Establishing and Sharing Best practices at the Intersection of Place, Pedagogy, Innovation, and Technology July 9-11, 2015 H...
Harnessing Big Data
Harnessing Big Data: Planning for Collaborative Courses in Data Science June 6, 2015 Hosted by Luther College, Decorah, IA Faculty from seven ACM coll...
Digital Storytelling and the Liberal Arts
Digital Storytelling The Macalester College Digital Storytelling resource site was created by faculty participating in this FaCE-funded project. The s...
Religious Studies, Classroom Technology, and Digital Humanities
Abstract How can scholars in religious studies better engage our students using appropriate classroom technology? Students want us to use such technol...
From Disruption to Student Engagement
Project updates For updates on this project, visit From Disruption to Student Engagement: A Reporting. This website includes information about the pro...
Asia in the American Midwest
Abstract Forging interdisciplinary collaborations with colleagues from departments of Asian studies, history, political science, and information techn...
American Transcendentalists
Curricular materials created for the 2013 SAIL seminar: Mediterranean Trivium: Earth, Sea, & Culture in Italy Attempts to discern the spirit of th...
Minor Program in Animals and Society
Curricular materials created for the 2012 SAIL seminar: Considering Animals in Washington, DC In a recent article in the New York Times (January 2, 20...