Midwest College Showcase and Counselor Institutes

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Denison University Associate Director of Admission Jesse Leary Yeager, right, speaking with a participant at a Counselor Institute (Photo by Genie Lemieux, Evanston Photo Studio)

Midwest College Showcase

The ACM and the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) created the Midwest College Showcase (MCS) to provide free events and resources to high school students and counselors on the college going process and to emphasize the importance of the liberal arts. These activities have expanded from in-person college fairs and Counselor Institutes to virtual events with a global reach.

ACM Counselor Institutes

For many years, ACM sponsored Counselor Institutes which were professional development programs designed for high school counselors, independent consultants, and other professionals who work with students in the college selection and application process.

Led by experienced admission officers, the Institutes focus on the admissions and financial aid process at independent, selective liberal arts colleges and feature a mock application review committee exercise, interactive discussions, and presentations on admission-related topics and financial aid. The materials from those Institutes are available here.

Resources from past Institutes

2010 Summer Institute in Chicago

On June 23, 2010, the Deans and Directors of Admission of the ACM member colleges sponsored “Finding Fit in Selective College Admissions,” a one-day professional development workshop for counselors  in downtown Chicago. Forty-three counselors from throughout the Chicago area participated. Faculty for the Institute were experienced admission officers from several of the ACM colleges.

Most of the materials handed out at the Institute are available in PDF format; please use the links below.

2010 Faculty

  • David Bennett, Director of Admissions – Enrollment, Lake Forest College
  • Jill Bisbee, Director of Admission, Knox College
  • Jerry Cebrzynski, Director of Financial Aid, Lake Forest College
  • Roberto Garcia, Director of Admission, Colorado College
  • Jennifer Motzer, Associate Director of Admissions, Lake Forest College
  • Kate Virgo, Assistant Director of Admissions, Beloit College
  • Todd White, Director of Admission, Cornell College

General reading

The Summer Institute faculty invite you to take a step back from the day-to-day demands of counseling students and read a recent article (published June 7, 2010) by New York Times columnist David Brooks about the role of the humanities in college education and in life.

2010 Schedule and Sessions

8:00 am: Doors open. Sign in, continental breakfast, and networking.

9:00 am: Helping Students Find Fit: A Partnership between Colleges and Counselors

Welcome: Christopher Welna, President, Associated Colleges of the Midwest

Moderator: Todd White

Panel: Students from ACM colleges

Do you have students for whom a residential liberal arts college could be a good fit? This opening session will provide an overview of what these colleges have to offer and ways that they can help students thrive and graduate.

10:15 am: The Admissions Process at Selective Colleges

Moderator: Jill Bisbee

An interactive session that will provide an introduction to ways that selective liberal arts colleges evaluate and review applications. The session will include presentations, a mock application review committee exercise, small group breakout sessions, and discussions.

  Download materials for the application review committee exercise

Noon: Lunch and Roundtable Discussions

1:00 pm: Sessions  (counselors choose one to attend)

  • Interviews and Campus Visits – How can your students make the most of these important opportunities to learn more about colleges?

Presenter: Roberto Garcia

  • Writing Effective Recommendations for Your Students

Presenters: Jennifer Motzer and David Bennett

  Download the handout from the session

  • Support Services and Community Engagement at Liberal Arts Colleges – From the writing lab to academic advising and multi-cultural student clubs to spring break community service trips, liberal arts colleges offer students myriad ways to engage with peers and the surrounding community.

Presenter: Jill Bisbee

2:00 pm: Sessions  (counselors choose one to attend)

  • College Applications and Essays – Helping your students present themselves well to the colleges of their choice.

Presenter: David Bennett

  • Financial Aid – Counseling students and families as they invest in the future.

Presenter: Jerry Cebrzynski

  Download the handout from the session

  • Academic and Experiential Learning Opportunities at Liberal Arts Colleges – Off-campus study (both international and in the U.S.), independent research projects, internships, service learning, and collaborative research with faculty are among the ways students can tailor their college experience to meet their interests and needs.

Presenters: Kate Virgo and Todd White

  Download the handout from the session

3:00 – 3:30 pm: Wrap-up and Networking

Moderators: Jill Bisbee and Roberto Garcia

2011 Summer Institute in Chicago

Finding Fit in Selective College Admissions

Sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
ACM Chicago Programs, 177 N. State Street, Suite 700, Chicago

Scroll down for links to download materials from the 2011 ACM Summer Institute for Counselors in Chicago.


  • Quinton Clay, Assistant Dean of Admission & Coordinator of Chicago Recruitment, Grinnell College ([email protected])
  • DeVone Eurales, Senior Assistant Director of Admission & Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment, Knox College ([email protected])
  • Roberto Garcia, Director of Admission, Colorado College ([email protected])
  • Sarah Goldman, Assistant Director of Admission & Chicago Regional Admission Representative, Cornell College ([email protected])
  • René Gomez, Assistant Director of Admissions, Lake Forest College ([email protected])
  • Jon Urish, Senior Associate Director for Admissions and Financial Aid, Beloit College ([email protected])
  • Kate Virgo, Assistant Director of Admissions, Beloit College ([email protected])

Schedule and Sessions

8:15 am Doors open. Sign in, continental breakfast, and networking.

Morning theme: What are residential liberal arts colleges?

Admissions officers, student life staff, and current students will provide insights into the range of opportunities that ACM colleges offer and how they can help students thrive and graduate.

8:45 am – Welcome and Introductions

9:00 am – Helping Students Find Fit: A Partnership between Colleges and Counselors

Presentation and question/answer with panels of admissions officers and students.

Moderator: Kate Virgo

10:15 am – The Transition to College

Breakout sessions will feature interactive discussions covering aspects of the academic and co-curricular experience on ACM campuses with admissions officers, student life staff, and students.

Moderators: Quinton Clay, DeVone Eurales, Jon Urish

Guest Panelist: Cecil Youngblood, Assistant Dean of Students & Director of Intercultural Affairs, Beloit College

11:45 am – Lunch (provided), informal discussion, and networking.

Afternoon theme: The Admissions Process

12:45 pm – Application Review at Selective Colleges

Admissions officers will lead a mock application review committee exercise, small group breakout sessions, and discussions.

Moderators: Roberto Garcia and René Gomez

 Download materials for the Application Review Session. These case studies were used in the mock application review committee exercise.

2:15 pm – Special Topic Sessions  (counselors choose one to attend)

  • Writing Effective Recommendations for Your Students

Presenter: DeVone Eurales

  Download materials from the presentation

  • College Applications and Essays

Presenters: Roberto Garcia and Sarah Goldman

. Download a presentation from this session

  • Financial Aid

Presenter: Jon Urish

  Download materials from the presentation

3:15 – 3:30 pm – Wrap-up

2012 Summer Institute in Chicago

Finding Fit in Selective College Admissions

Sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM)

  • Wednesday, June 20, 2012
  • Location: ACM Chicago Program, 177 N. State Street, Suite 700, Chicago (map & directions)

ACM’s third Summer Institute for Counselors was a one-day professional development workshop focused on the admissions process and student experience at independent, selective liberal arts colleges.

Scroll down for links to resource materials provided by the Summer Institute admissions faculty!

Schedule and Sessions

8:15 am – Doors open. Sign in, continental breakfast, and networking.

Morning theme: What Are Residential Liberal Arts Colleges?

8:45 am – Welcome by Christopher Welna, President of ACM

9:00 am

  • Helping Students Find Fit: A Partnership between Colleges and Counselors

Do you have students for whom a residential liberal arts college could be a good fit? This opening question/answer session features a panel of students from ACM colleges who will share their perspectives on their academic and co-curricular experiences on campus.

10:15 am

  • The Transition to College

Breakout sessions will feature interactive discussions with faculty, student life staff, students, and admissions officers from ACM colleges. Panels will focus on the campus community, academic opportunities, and diversity and first-generation students.

Panelists include:
Sonja Darlington, Professor of Education, Beloit College
Blake Hammond, Admission Counselor, Colorado College
David Park, Associate Professor of Communication, Lake Forest College
Cecil Youngblood, Assistant Dean of Students & Director of Intercultural Affairs, Beloit College

11:45 am – Lunch (provided), informal discussion, and networking.

Afternoon theme: Insights into the Admissions and Financial Aid Processes

12:40 pm

  • Application Review at Selective Colleges

Admissions officers will lead a mock application review committee exercise, small group breakout sessions, and discussions about what admission officers at ACM colleges look for in applications, essays, and recommendations.

For Summer Institute participants – Please download and read all of the following materials prior to the Institute:

 Application Review Instructions
 Kenneth Aldman Application
 Mary Leavitt Application
 Christina Moore Application

2:30 pm

  • Case Studies in Financial Aid

Presenter: Sara Beth Holman, Director of Financial Aid, Lawrence University

Case studies of three students will be used to give an inside view of the financial aid process. See how different colleges’ Net Price Calculators can yield different financial aid estimates, and how a financial aid officer prepares financial aid packages and works with families based on their individual circumstances.

 Presentation on Case Studies in Financial Aid

3:15-3:30 pm – Wrap-up

Admissions Faculty

  • David Bennett, Director of Admissions for Enrollment, Lake Forest College
  • DeVone Eurales, Senior Assistant Director of Admission & Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment, Knox College
  • Roberto Garcia, Director of Admission, Colorado College
  • Sarah Goldman, Assistant Director of Admission & Chicago Regional Admission Representative, Cornell College
  • René Gomez, Assistant Director of Admissions, Lake Forest College
  • Erika Pepmeyer, Senior Assistant Director of Admission, Cornell College

Further Resources

2014 Summer Institute in Chicago

Finding Fit in Selective College Admissions

Sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM)

  • Thursday, June 19, 2014
  • ACM Office, 11 E. Adams Street, Suite 800, Chicago

ACM’s Summer Institute for Counselors is a one-day professional development workshop focused on the admission process and student experience at independent, selective liberal arts colleges. The Institute faculty of experienced admissions officers lead sessions designed to help counselors guide high school students as they navigate the college selection process and apply to college.

The 2014 Summer Institute featured an interactive Presidents Panel,  in which Jill Tiefenthaler (President, Colorado College) and Scott Bierman (President, Beloit College) discussed the value of a liberal arts education.

Admissions Faculty

  • David Bennett, Director of Admissions, Lake Forest College
  • Alex Catalan, Associate Director of Admissions and Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment, Beloit College
  • Sarah Goldman, Assistant Director of Admission & Chicago Regional Representative, Knox College
  • Delorean “DJ” Menifee, Senior Assistant Director of Admission & Chicago Regional Representative, Knox College
  • Jennifer Sloan, Assistant Director of Admission & Chicago Regional Admission Representative, Cornell College
  • Carin Smith, Regional Director of Admissions – Chicago Officer, Lawrence University
  • Philana Tenhoff, Associate Director of Admissions, Macalester College (Note: due to weather-related flight cancellations, Philana Tenhoff was unable to participate in the Institute.)

Guest Presenter: Jerry Cebrzynski, Director of Financial Aid, Lake Forest College

Schedule and Presentations

8:45 am – Welcome by Sarah Goldman

9:00 am – Application Review at Selective Colleges
Admissions faculty lead a mock applications review committee exercise, small group breakout sessions, and discussions about college fit and what admission officers at ACM colleges look for in applications, essays, and recommendations.

  • Moderator: David Bennett

Materials for the application review committee exercise:
 Application Review Instructions
 Kenneth Aldman Application
 Mary Leavitt Application
 Christina Moore Application

10:40 am – Choice of sessions (choose one)

Panel Discussion: First-Generation Students at ACM Colleges
As more first-generation college students pursue higher education, learn about programs, opportunities, and resources available at ACM institutions to support your students.

  • Moderator: DJ Menifee
  • Panelists: Students from ACM colleges
    Jerry Cebrzynski, Director of Financial Aid, Lake Forest College

Panel Discussion: The Changing Landscape of College Admissions
What are the challenges, pressures, and opportunities facing colleges and admission officers today? As counselors, how does this affect your work with students and families?

  • Moderator: David Bennett
  • Panelists: Alex Catalan, Sarah Goldman, Carin Smith

11:25 am – The Student Experience at ACM Colleges
Do you have students for whom a liberal arts college could be a good match? A panel of current students and recent graduates will join the Institute faculty to give you an inside view of the types of academic and co-curricular opportunities available to students on ACM campuses.

  • Moderator: Jennifer Sloan
  • Panelists:
    Merita Bushi, Macalester College, ‘14
    Noelia Fraga, Knox College, ‘14
    Jasmine Hernandez, Cornell College, ‘15
    Chloe Hish-Geneve, Beloit College, ‘17
    Alexis Sabor, Beloit College, ‘17
    Elena Skosey-LaLonde, Cornell College, ‘17

12:15 pm – Lunch (provided) – Conversation with students, admission officers, and counseling colleagues.

1:00 pm – Presidents Panel: The Lifelong Value of a Liberal Arts Education

  • Moderator: Sarah Goldman
  • Opening: Christopher Welna, President of ACM – What the ACM Colleges Do Together and How that Benefits Students

2:05 pm – Choice of sessions (choose one)

Financial Aid Unplugged (Note: This session is 2:05-3:10 pm)
A review of current financial aid programs, applications, and processes, as well as a look at recent legislative changes that will affect your students’ lives. Net Price Calculators, Comparing Financial Aid Award Letters, Differential Packaging, and Trends in Financial Aid will all be discussed, with plenty of time for questions (and answers)!  Download the session handout

  • Presenter: Jerry Cebrzynski, Director of Financial Aid, Lake Forest College

Forum: Working with Undocumented Students
With varying admission and financial aid policies, undocumented students can be pointed in many directions. This session will explore some of the practices at ACM institutions.

  • Moderator: Alex Catalan

Forum: Counseling Parents
We used to call them “helicopter parents” and now we’re more likely to think of them as serious stakeholders in their child’s college search and decision process. How has the parental role in the college search process changed and how do we best “counsel” parents when we’re supposed to be counseling their child?

  • Moderator: Carin Smith

2:40 pm – Choice of sessions (choose one)

Financial Aid Unplugged (Note: This session is 2:05-3:10 pm; see the description above.)

Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
Depending on the level of selectivity at each institution, the letter of recommendation can be a major factor in the admissions decision. Let’s look at effective components of strong LOR’s and how we use the information effectively to make informed admission decisions.  Download the session handout

  • Presenter: DJ Menifee

Forum: The Role of Testing in the Admission Process
There is much debate about utilizing test scores in the college admission process. This session is a chance to discuss how different institutions use test scores and what impact that has on students throughout the decision making process.

  • Moderators: Jennifer Sloan and David Bennett

3:15 pm – Wrap-up

Moderator: Sarah Goldman

Additional information

  • The Summer Institute was free for high school counselors and staff at organizations that work with students in the college selection process.
  • Illinois Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDUs) were available for participants (5.5 CPDUs for participation in the entire program).

2015 Counselor Institute & Luncheon in Los Angeles

Sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM)

What does the Midwest offer your students? The ACM Counselor Institute and Luncheon was a one-day program led by experienced admission officers and designed to help counselors in the Los Angeles area work with students as they explore options for college.

  • Friday, January 30, 2015
  • Maggiano’s Little Italy – The Grove
    189 The Grove Drive, Los Angeles

The morning was devoted to the Institute for Counselors, a professional development workshop focused on the admissions process at independent, selective liberal arts colleges. Following the Institute was a luncheon for counselors to engage with admission officers and stay up-to-date on opportunities for their students at ACM member colleges.

Scroll down for the program schedule and links to materials from the Institute & Luncheon.

Counselor Institute


7:45 am – Doors open. Sign in, continental breakfast, and networking.

8:20 am – Introductions

Moderator: Jay Caughren (Coe College)

8:30-9:15 am – The Third Coast: Attending College in the Midwest

Presenters: Jennifer Motzer (Lake Forest College) and Jay Caughren (Coe College)

Download the  PowerPoint presentation for this session

What is the ACM and why should college-bound students spend four years on America’s “Third Coast”? We will briefly introduce you to who we are and our common purpose. We will touch upon the opportunities of attending college in the Midwest, and how you can work with students to discover new options in their college choice.

9:15-10:30 am – What Does Holistic Admissions Mean?

Facilitators: Colleen Murphy (Cornell College) and Gaelyn Rose (Lawrence University)

Download the  PowerPoint presentation and  handout for this session.

Admissions officers will lead a mock application review committee exercise, small group breakout sessions, and discussions about what admission officers at ACM colleges look for in applications, essays, and recommendations.

For Counselor Institute participants – Prior to the Institute, please download and read all of the following materials for the application review committee exercise:
 Application Review Instructions
 Kenneth Aldman Application
 Mary Leavitt Application
 Christina Moore Application

10:30-10:45 am – Break

10:45-11:40 am – Getting Personal with the Experts

The hallmark of an ACM education is that we listen to the voices of our students and help them craft experiences that lead to their personal goals. In the same vein, we will gather in small groups to discuss some of the pressing questions that counselors, students, and families have about college admissions. Choose two small group sessions to attend from among seven topics offered.



11:30 am – Doors open

11:45 am-12:15 pm – Counselor College Fair

Talk individually with admission officers from the ACM colleges and pick up literature.

12:15-2:00 pm – Luncheon and Campus Updates

Moderator: DeVone Eurales (Knox College)

2:00-2:30 pm – Counselor College Fair

Talk individually with admission officers from the ACM colleges and pick up literature.

2016 Counselor Institute & Luncheon in Denver

Monday, October 3, 2016
Maggiano’s Little Italy – Denver South (7401 S. Clinton, Englewood)


Monday, October 3, 2016

Maggiano’s Little Italy – Denver South

Counselor Institute

7:45 a.m. – Doors open: sign in, continental breakfast, and networking

8:20 – Welcome & Introductions

Moderator and Emcee for the Event: Sarah Colangelo (Knox College)

8:30 – The Third Coast: Attending College in the Midwest

What is the ACM and why should college-bound students spend four years on America’s “Third Coast”? We will briefly introduce you to who we are and our common purpose. We will touch upon the opportunities of attending college in the Midwest, and how you can work with students to discover new options in their college choice.

9:15 – What Does Holistic Admissions Mean?

Admissions officers will lead a mock application review committee exercise, small group breakout sessions, and discussions about what admission officers at ACM colleges look for in applications, essays, and recommendations.

For Counselor Institute participants – Prior to the Institute, please download and read all of the following materials for the application review committee exercise:
 Application Review Instructions
 Kenneth Aldman Application
 Mary Leavitt Application
 Christina Moore Application

10:30 – Break

10:45 – Getting Personal with the Experts: Group A topics (choose one)

Application Process and Standardized Testing
Facilitators: Rachel Arsenault (Grinnell College) and Matt Bonser (Colorado College)

Financial Aid
Facilitators: Colleen Murphy (Cornell College) and Jackie Hoefler (Lake Forest College)

Opportunities in the Fine Arts
Facilitators: Lauren Keller (Luther College) and Aleece Dewald (St. Olaf College)
>>Download the  PowerPoint presentation for this session
Students pursuing fine arts at ACM schools benefit not only from in-depth knowledge in their field, but also the intellectual agility, cross-disciplinary problem solving, bold creativity, and entrepreneurial mindset that are essential of the liberal arts student. Learn about the unique application process, major/minor requirements, extra-curricular, scholarship, and other opportunities for students interested in the fine arts.

11:15 – Getting Personal with the Experts: Group B topics (choose one)

Writing Effective Recommendation Letters for Your Students
Facilitators: Sarah Colangelo (Knox College) and Lauren Keller (Luther College)
>>Download the  PowerPoint presentation for this session

First-Generation Students and the Transition to College
Facilitators: Eliza Stephenson (Ripon College) and McKenna Inskeep (Coe College)

Opportunities in Athletics
Facilitators: Jessica Strong (Monmouth College) and Jackie Hoefler (Lake Forest College)
ACM colleges offer a multitude of athletic opportunities for their students at the NCAA Division III level. This session will highlight what athletic programs are offered at ACM colleges, the basic regulations of Division III athletic recruiting and participation, and what the student-athlete experience is like for participants at ACM colleges.

Counselor College Fair and Luncheon

11:45 – Counselor College Fair

Talk individually with admission officers and pick up literature.

12:15 p.m. – Luncheon and Program

Moderator: Sarah Colangelo (Knox College)
Presentations by Admission Officers, beginning at 12:45 p.m.

1:45 – Quiz the Admission Counselors: Q & A with a panel of admission officers

Moderator: Carly Stafford (Colorado College)
Panelists: Aleece Dewald (St. Olaf College), Eliza Stephenson (Ripon College), Rachel Arsenault (Grinnell College), and Jessica Strong (Monmouth College)

2:15 – Wrap Up

Moderator: Sarah Colangelo (Knox College)

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