*Content pulled from proposal materials This inter-departmental and inter-institutional community-based project aims to strengthen Lake Forest Colle...
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Neighbors Supporting Neighbors: Building Institutional Capacity for Community-Based Learning at Knox and Monmouth Colleges
*Content pulled from proposal materials The project centers on building institutional capacity at Monmouth and Knox Colleges by working to increase ...
The Faculty Teaching Fellows Program
The project aims to develop a cohort of faculty with expertise in peer observation of teaching who can provide more teaching-related professional deve...
Incorporation of Racial and Social Justice Issues into Mathematical Sciences and Comp
In light of recent racial and social unrest in the US, many educators are calling for a larger incorporation of ideas of ethics into mathematics, stat...
Supporting Student Well-Being and Academic Engagement
The experience of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the context of renewed global efforts to redress racial injustice has take...
Examining and Engaging Conventions of Academic Writing Across the Liberal Arts Curriculum
This project brings together writing program administrators (WPAs) from several different ACM institutions to plan and facilitate a collective summer ...
Building Capacity for Community-Campus Research Partnerships
At our institutions, faculty and students alike seek opportunities for deep learning, experiential education, and community engagement. When these thr...
Environmental Education: An Interdisciplinary Symposium
Environmental education is a pressing need in our modern world. We at ACM schools are well positioned to address this need in an efficient and effecti...
Making Assessment Work for Liberal Arts Colleges in the 21st Century
Imagine your college with a strong culture of assessment: You leave faculty meetings feeling energized by a shared vision. You engage in frank, eviden...
Fostering Humanistic Tools for Digital Mapping
Maps, mapping, and spatial understanding are central to many current projects in the humanities. Too often, however, the tools and approaches that fac...
Fostering Long-Term, Collaborative Research in Environmental Science at ACM Field Stations
ACM institutions have a long tradition of establishing and managing field stations, to engage students in the study of the environment using active le...