Unlike other regions of the country, the Midwest is often described as an “anti-region.” What, in fact, is the Midwest? What are the defining feat...
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Critical Studies in Public Space
This introductory-level, five-week studio art course is intended to provide students a crash-course in the pragmatics and politics of architectural de...
Making Decisions with Data
Read about this project: Tutorials Help Meet Student Interest in Data Science See R Tutorials in Data Science created by professors Shonda Kuiper (Gri...
The Open Musicology Educational Resource
The challenge musicologists currently face is that the “one size fits all” materials used to teach music history to undergraduates have fa...
Environmental Psychology at Rocky Mountain Park: The Human Relationship with the Natural World
Curricular materials created for the 2014 SAIL seminar: Contested Spaces in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado Environmental Psychology at Rocky Mounta...
Rhetoric 405: Communicating Public Problems: The Construction and Framing of Contemporary Social Issues
Curricular materials created for the 2014 SAIL seminar: Contested Spaces in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado RHE 405 – Course Goals & Learn...
Environmental Studies 381: Contested Spaces: Rivers
Curricular materials created for the 2014 SAIL seminar: Contested Spaces in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado Course Summary An environmental matter. ...
Nature at the Confluence
Curricular materials created for the 2014 SAIL seminar: Contested Spaces in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado I developed “Nature at the Conflue...
The Pompeii Project: A Case Study in Space and Gender/Sexuality
Curricular materials created for the 2013 SAIL seminar: Mediterranean Trivium: Earth, Sea, & Culture in Italy The Pompeii Project: A Case Study in...
Rivers in Space and Time
Curricular materials created for the 2013 SAIL seminar: Mediterranean Trivium: Earth, Sea, & Culture in Italy A comparative study with digital pos...