Curricular materials created for the 2016 SAIL seminar: Silicon Valley as an Innovation Ecosystem This is an upper level course that all religious stu...
Dealing with Humanities Data
Returning from the SAIL seminar, we (Mouton and Sowell) discovered the timing of The 19th Century Novel and Dealing with Data courses would happily co...
Mindset Intervention
Curricular materials created for the 2016 SAIL seminar: Silicon Valley as an Innovation Ecosystem As a student reaches the upper echelon of any major,...
FaCE-ing the Challenges of Neuroscience Education at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
This project seeks to bring ACM faculty from five institutions together to identify and develop resources that will strengthen neuroscience education ...
ACM Planning Meeting on Mississippi Studies
Mississippi Studies re-imagines the river and its tributaries as a coherent cultural and research corridor, fostering new ways of conceptualizing its ...
Growing Older Together
Nearly 620,000,000 people are 65 or older. With more people living longer than ever before, that total will double with the aging baby boomer generati...
Fostering Humanistic Tools for Digital Mapping
Maps, mapping, and spatial understanding are central to many current projects in the humanities. Too often, however, the tools and approaches that fac...
R Across the Curriculum
ACM campuses use multiple statistical analysis platforms, each with its own advantages for teaching and research. However, supporting multiple platfor...
Digital Humanities and Mary Shelley’s The Last Man
Introduction Part 2 of 3. Read Part 1: Dealing with Humanities Data. After failing to interest CSS students in their big data questions, the English s...
Dealing with Data
Part 3 of 3. Read Part 1: Dealing with Humanities Data and Part 2: Digital Humanities and Mary Shelley’s The Last Man Data Science is a newly develo...
Mercury Pollution in the Boundary Waters Region of Minnesota
Curricular materials created for the 2017 SAIL seminar: Wilderness in the Anthropocene This module: Introduces students to the history, politics and s...
Four-Day Field Trip to the Iron Range/Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota
Curricular materials created for the 2017 SAIL seminar: Wilderness in the Anthropocene In Spring 2018, we taught ENVI/BIOL 394: Environment, Health &a...
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