Note: the workshop on Human Centered Design requires that student have walls or large paper to work on, as well as lots of Post-its and markers.
On-line Resources
Design Kit, developed by and Acumen
The Course for Human-Centered Design
The Facilitator’s Guide to Human Centered Design
The Presentation Deck for Your Workshop
(included in the Presentation Deck and attached below)
Text Readings
Haenn, Nora, and Richard Wilk. The environment in anthropology: A reader in ecology, culture, and sustainable living. NYU Press, 2006.
Walley, Christine J. Rough waters: nature and development in an East African marine park. Princeton University Press, 2010.
Articles and Book Chapter Readings
Barnes, Jessica, Michael Dove, Myanna Lahsen, Andrew Mathews, Pamela McElwee, Roderick McIntosh, Frances Moore et al. “Contribution of anthropology to the study of climate change.” Nature Climate Change 3, no. 6 (2013): 541-544.
Bodley, John H. “Chapter 2: Adaptation, Culture Scale and the Environmental Crisis” in Anthropology and contemporary human problems. Rowman Altamira, 2012. Correia, David. “F**k Jared Diamond”, Capitalism Nature Socialism (2013): DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2013.846490
Coward, Tim, and James Fathers. “A critique of design methodologies appropriate to private-sector activity in development.” Development in Practice 15, no. 3-4 (2005): 451-462.
Crate, Susan A. “Climate and culture: anthropology in the era of contemporary climate change.” Annual Review of Anthropology 40 (2011): 175-194.
Hasbrouck, Jay and Charley Scull. “Hook to Plate Social Entrepreneurship: An Ethnographic Approach to Driving Sustainable Change in the Global Fishing Industry.” Handbook of Anthropology in Business (2016).
MTF Design Principles – The Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion at the University of California, Irvine.
Krulwich, Robert. “What Happened On Easter Island – A New (Even Scarier) Scenario.” NPR, 10 Dec. 2013. Web. 19 Sept. 2016.
Lazrus, Heather. “Sea change: island communities and climate change.” Annual Review of Anthropology 41 (2012): 285-301.
Meggers, Betty J. “Environment and culture in the Amazon basin: an appraisal of the theory of environmental determinism.” reprinted in The anthropology of climate change: an historical reader. Dove, Michael R., ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Pilloton, Emily. “Depth over breadth: designing for impact locally, and for the long haul.” interactions 17, no. 3 (2010): 48-51.
Potts, Richard. “Evolution and Environmental Change in Early Human Prehistory 1,*.” Annual Review of Anthropology 41 (2012): 151-167.
Redfield, Peter. “Fluid technologies: The Bush Pump, the LifeStraw® and microworlds of humanitarian design.” Social studies of science (2015).
— . “Bioexpectations: Life technologies as humanitarian goods.” Public Culture 24, no. 1 66 (2012): 157-184.
Sayre, Nathan F. “The Politics of the Anthropogenic*.” Annual Review of Anthropology 41 (2012): 57-70.
Schwittay, Anke. “Designing development: humanitarian design in the financial inclusion assemblage.” PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 37, no. 1 (2014): 29-47.
Wever, Renee, Jasper Van Kuijk, and Casper Boks. “User-centred design for sustainable behaviour.” International journal of sustainable engineering 1, no. 1 (2008): 9-20.
Films and Video
Home (2009) Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Beverly Hills, Calif: Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.
BBC News The Travel Show
Conservation International
The Guardian
Bolivia: Leasing the rain (2002) Bill Moyers, William Finnegan, and Amanda Zinoman
NBC News
Take Part, The Thomson Reuters Foundation
Almega Projects
Mafia Island | Efforts to create a marine resort off the coast of Tanzania
(profiled in the ethnography Rough Waters by Christine Walley)
Tanzania Camp tour: Ready to experience life on Mafia Island?
Diving Mafia Island (Tanzania – December 2016)
Pole Pole Bungalows – Mafia Island Tanzania | the garden and the bungalows
Other links and resources
The Climate of Man (2005) Elizabeth Kolbert, New Yorker
Available by subscription or through library online databases.
Part I: Disappearing islands, thawing permafrost, melting polar ice. How the earth is changing.
Part II: The curse of Akkad.
Part III: Annals of science about global warming and the Bush Administration.
Elizabeth Kolbert, New Yorker
NASA’s webpage on climate change with extensive resources
Smith, A., Orlove, B., Strauss, S., Wilk, R. 2014. Changing the Atmosphere. Anthropology and Climate Change. Final report of the AAA Global Climate Change Task Force, 137 pp. December 2014. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.