Here’s a sample of comments by ACM college faculty who have taken ICF Online.
“I was recently elected by the faculty to a five-year position on a standing faculty committee on institutional budget and planning, which also makes me a member of the college’s larger Institutional Planning & Priorities Group…This training was a good first step in making me a more productive, knowledgeable member of both those committees….”
“Overall, I found the modules educational — I know things about the ways the elements affecting college budgets work that I did not know before. With more practice working with the concepts and data, I will feel even more confident of my ability to explain.”
“I really like the opportunity to revisit the content and re-read. It helps me digest the information at my own pace and on a deeper level.”
“Love the [college budget scenarios] spreadsheet and the explanation. These scenarios do a great job providing insights into limitations or approaches that might first come to mind as solutions, when in fact such changes represent a small part of the pie.”
“Most useful were questions that provided a statement affirming or explaining why the choices were incorrect. This type of focused, just-in-time feedback focused attention to key pieces of information.”
“I thought this course was well organized and presented with very realistic material and scenarios. I truly enjoyed the links to further reading, and the interactive spreadsheet was a nice summative assessment to conclude the course. I feel all employees at the college would gain a better understanding of the finances in higher ed if they participated in this class.”